12-13 sept. 2024 Paris (France)
OSTrails: Delivering the Commons to Plan-Track-Assess Research in EOSC
Maud Medves  1@  
1 : Information et Édition Scientifiques  (INRIA-IES)
L'Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et e n Automatique (INRIA)
Inria -  France

Open Science Trails (OSTrails) is a Horizon Europe project focused on enhancing the planning, tracking, and assessing of scientific knowledge production. By collaborating with service providers and research communities across countries and domains, it aims to streamline FAIRness, interconnectivity and machine actionability that improve and extend existing Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystems and align them with EOSC. Τo define, create, validate and evaluate its activities and outputs, OSTrails is centered around and informed by 24 pilots representing 17 countries and 5 ESFRI scientific clusters.

This poster highlights the draft Architecture and Interoperability Framework along with the commons that support seamless integrations and information exchange between Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs), Data Management Planning (DMP) platforms, and FAIR assessment tools. It builds on the outcome of consultations with all 40 partners who provided conceptual elements of their tools and an initial analysis of the interactions identified in this first iteration of this activity as well as technical requirements to supporting them. Finally, a first set of the PLAN-TRACK-ASSESS pathways is presented supporting the use cases that the project has identified, most prominent being the creation of machine actionable DMP templates, the evaluation and publication of DMPs, the FAIRification of digital objects, the interoperability with SKGs and their enrichment with qualified references.

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